Bulletin August 25, 2024

Welcome to Worship
August 25, 2024
Worship Order
“Be Thou My Vision”
Lisa Ann Martinez & Lori Gasper
Jimmy Peck
Preparation for Worship
Choral Praise
“Thank you Jesus for the Blood”
Soloist: Stephanie Benton
Congregational Singing
Message in Song
“Ma Navu Medley”
Lisa Ann Martinez
“Why Jesus Died on the Cross”
Dr. Alex McFarland
Lord’s Supper Service

News & Events

Business Meeting Tonight

Join us tonight at 6:00 in the Worship Center.


Benevolence Offering

Following today’s services an offering will be collected to help those in need. Please hand donations to a deacon standing outside the doors of the worship center.


Ladies Fall Bible Study

Join us each Tuesday, at 9:15 am, beginning Sept. 10, as we study “When You Pray” by Kelly Minter & others, and “Luke in the Land” by Kristi McLelland. Books are $25 for each study  and “When You Pray” will be available the day of class.


Rummage Sale Donations

We need your stuff! Donations will be accepted Friday, Sept. 6 only, from 9 am-7 pm. Please no early drop-offs. Stop  by the info booth today for more info.  Click to volunteer!


Ladies Precept Bible Study

You are invited to join us each Wednesday, starting Sept. 4, at 9 am in room 154. Linda Thornton will lead this study in 1 Corinthians.


Ladies Mission Control Tea Groups

The second week of each month you can pray for our church missionaries serving around the world. Join us Thursday at 11:30 am or 6:30 pm, or Friday at 9 am or 1 pm (Sept—May). 

Thank you for joining us for worship at VGBC.
If you are visitor, we are delighted you chose to worship with us.  We have a gift for you, so please visit the Welcome Desk before or after the service. We would love to share with you how you can get connected.
We have online giving . Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service.  While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry! 
Scripture of the Week

For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

 1 Corinthians 11:26
Our Ministerial Staff
Bill Cox
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Administration Pastor
Jay Hill
Music Pastor
Jimmy Peck
Children’s Pastor
Brandon Anderson
Student Pastor