Jan 27, 2019
God Knows Me
Series: Misc
Psalm 139:1-3
  • Jan 27, 2019God Knows Me
    Jan 27, 2019
    God Knows Me
    Series: Misc
    Psalm 139:1-3
  • Jan 20, 2019Walking Worthy at Home and Work
    Jan 20, 2019
    Walking Worthy at Home and Work
    In this sermon, we continue to look at this practical section of the letter where we learn how to walk worthy in our relationships.  We talk about the relationship between parents and children and the relationships between employers and employees.
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    Jan 13, 2019
    Walking Worthy in your Marriage
    Ephesians 5:21-33 In this sermon, we learn that valuing marriage is an integral part of walking worthy.  This passages address wives and what role they should provide in their marriage.  The passage addresses husbands and what role they should serve.  Also, this passages addresses everyone and talks about how marriage ultimately points to something even greater.
  • Jan 6, 2019Walking Worthy as Imitators
    Jan 6, 2019
    Walking Worthy as Imitators
    Ephesians 5:1-20
    As we begin a new year, this passage from Ephesians is appropriate as we discover several goals or expectations of us for walking worthy.  We are called to walk in love, purity, light, wisdom, and in the Spirit.
  • Dec 30, 2018Hope for the Hopeless
    Dec 30, 2018
    Hope for the Hopeless
    Series: Misc
    Lamentations 3:1-24
  • Dec 24, 2018Here with Us
    Dec 24, 2018
    Here with Us
    Series: Misc
    Isaiah 58:9
  • Dec 23, 2018The Christmas Story
    Dec 23, 2018
    The Christmas Story
    Series: Specials
    Luke 2:8-20 & Matt 1:18-25
    In this unique 3-part sermon, we focus on three key people who are involved in the Christmas story.  We talk about how they relate to Jesus and what we can learn from them.  After each section, we sing a song of response.
  • Dec 16, 2018In the Steps of the One Who Dwelt Among Us
    Dec 16, 2018
    In the Steps of the One Who Dwelt Among Us
    Series: Specials
    John 1:14
    In this unique sermon, we focus on some of the key places where Jesus walked and lived.  We learn specific lessons from each location, and we are compelled to follow in the steps of the One Who dwelt among us.
  • Dec 9, 2018Won’t You Be My Neighbor
    Dec 9, 2018
    Won’t You Be My Neighbor
    Series: Specials
    We look at the most well-known story Jesus told, the parable about the good Samaritan.  We learn there are no limits on who we should consider to be our neighbor, and we learn there are no limits on the extent we should be willing to go to be a good neighbor.  We also discover how Jesus was a good neighbor to us and why this should motivate us to be a neighbor without limits.
  • Dec 2, 2018The Messy Christian Life
    Dec 2, 2018
    The Messy Christian Life
    Series: Misc
    Philippians 2:1-11