Brandon Anderson
Senior Adult Boot Camp
Come check out some NEW equipment and challenge yourself with strength, core, & balance training on Sat., March 15, at 9:30 am. Visit the info booth today. Only 14 slots available.
Mexico Mission Trip Meeting
A meeting is scheduled for all participants on Sunday, March 16, at 12 pm, in the Worship Center. Please attend to ensure you have the latest info! Final payment is due at this time.
East Asia Trek
Interested in partnering with our missionaries on a mountain trek in early May? Contact Joseph Day.
Custom Made Spa Day!
It’s an annual Spa Day for all girls ages 2nd – 6th grade. Custom Made to “Bee-Long to God” is Saturday, April 5, from 8:45 am – 1 pm. Click to register. Cost: $20
Ignite Youth Leadership Conference
Equipping students, leaders, & full time youth workers: March 21 & 22 at Rocky Mountain Calvary. “Ignite was designed with the whole youth ministry in mind.” Click for more info and to register (cost: $70).
Help Celebrate a Missionary Birthday
Today is the last day to send a “Happy Birthday!” wish to our missionary, Mark Webb. Mark & Lona have been serving in Ireland for 15 years! Mark celebrates his 61st birthday on March 16, so we are collecting birthday cards. Drop cards off in the Missions folder in the church office.
We have online giving Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service. While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry!
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Music Pastor
Administration Pastor
Children's Pastor
Student Pastor