Bulletin September 1, 2024

Welcome to Worship
September 4, 2024
Worship Order
Brass Duet
Stephen Rumbold and Jim Keuning
Brandon Anderson
Preparation for Worship
Choral Praise
“The Wondrous Cross”
Congregational Singing
“Why Does the Bible Address God in Masculine Terms?”
Dr. Alex McFarland

News & Events


Benevolence Offering

Following today’s services an offering will be collected to help those in need. Please hand donations to a deacon standing outside the doors of the worship center.


Ladies Fall Bible Study

Join us each Tuesday, at 9:15 am, beginning Sept. 10, as we study “When You Pray” by Kelly Minter & others, and “Luke in the Land” by Kristi McLelland. Books are $25 for each study  and “When You Pray” will be available the day of class.


Rummage Sale Donations

We need your stuff! Donations will be accepted Friday, Sept. 6 only, from 9 am-7 pm. Please no early drop-offs. Stop  by the info booth today for more info.  Click to volunteer!


Ladies Precept Bible Study

You are invited to join us each Wednesday, starting Sept. 4, at 9 am in room 154. Linda Thornton will lead this study in 1 Corinthians.


Ladies Mission Control Tea Groups

The second week of each month you can pray for our church missionaries serving around the world. Join us Thursday at 11:30 am or 6:30 pm, or Friday at 9 am or 1 pm (Sept—May). 

Thank you for joining us for worship at VGBC.
If you are visitor, we are delighted you chose to worship with us.  We have a gift for you, so please visit the Welcome Desk before or after the service. We would love to share with you how you can get connected.
We have online giving . Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service.  While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry! 
Scripture of the Week

What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.

Philippians 3:8a
Our Ministerial Staff
Bill Cox
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Administration Pastor
Jay Hill
Music Pastor
Jimmy Peck
Children’s Pastor
Brandon Anderson
Student Pastor

Bulletin August 25, 2024

Welcome to Worship
August 25, 2024
Worship Order
“Be Thou My Vision”
Lisa Ann Martinez & Lori Gasper
Jimmy Peck
Preparation for Worship
Choral Praise
“Thank you Jesus for the Blood”
Soloist: Stephanie Benton
Congregational Singing
Message in Song
“Ma Navu Medley”
Lisa Ann Martinez
“Why Jesus Died on the Cross”
Dr. Alex McFarland
Lord’s Supper Service

News & Events

Business Meeting Tonight

Join us tonight at 6:00 in the Worship Center.


Benevolence Offering

Following today’s services an offering will be collected to help those in need. Please hand donations to a deacon standing outside the doors of the worship center.


Ladies Fall Bible Study

Join us each Tuesday, at 9:15 am, beginning Sept. 10, as we study “When You Pray” by Kelly Minter & others, and “Luke in the Land” by Kristi McLelland. Books are $25 for each study  and “When You Pray” will be available the day of class.


Rummage Sale Donations

We need your stuff! Donations will be accepted Friday, Sept. 6 only, from 9 am-7 pm. Please no early drop-offs. Stop  by the info booth today for more info.  Click to volunteer!


Ladies Precept Bible Study

You are invited to join us each Wednesday, starting Sept. 4, at 9 am in room 154. Linda Thornton will lead this study in 1 Corinthians.


Ladies Mission Control Tea Groups

The second week of each month you can pray for our church missionaries serving around the world. Join us Thursday at 11:30 am or 6:30 pm, or Friday at 9 am or 1 pm (Sept—May). 

Thank you for joining us for worship at VGBC.
If you are visitor, we are delighted you chose to worship with us.  We have a gift for you, so please visit the Welcome Desk before or after the service. We would love to share with you how you can get connected.
We have online giving . Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service.  While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry! 
Scripture of the Week

For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

 1 Corinthians 11:26
Our Ministerial Staff
Bill Cox
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Administration Pastor
Jay Hill
Music Pastor
Jimmy Peck
Children’s Pastor
Brandon Anderson
Student Pastor

Bulletin August 18, 2024

Welcome to Worship
August 18, 2024
Worship Order
Burchfield Brothers
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Preparation for Worship
Compassion Sunday
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Congregational Singing
Message in Song
Burchfield Brothers
“God Gave them Over”
Brandon Anderson

News & Events

Student Choirs & Drama

They begin TODAY! At 4:15 pm Middle School is in room 134 & High School is in Fellowship Hall. Drama is from 5:10 – 6:00 pm.


AWANA Begins Aug. 21

Doors open at 6 pm for check-in; opening ceremony begins at 6:15. Kids & volunteers, register at vgbc.org/awana. We are in need of additional helpers each Wednesday night to listen as kids recite their verses.



Wednesday Night Bible Study

Join us starting Aug. 21 at 6:30 pm with Dr. Gary Loudermilk as we study Old & New Testament personalities whose lives were going in one direction when God/Jesus intervened and placed them on a new path.

Rummage Sale Donations

The Rummage Sale is Sept. 7! Donations will be accepted Sept. 6 only from 9 am-7 pm. Please no early drop-offs.

Volunteers are needed to help Fri. & Sat.


Ladies Fall Bible Study

Join us each Tuesday, at 9:15 am, beginning Sept. 10, as we study “When You Pray” by Kelly Minter & others, and “Luke in the Land” by Kristi McLelland. Books are $25 and available the day of class.


Ladies Mission Control Tea Groups

The second week of each month you can pray for our church missionaries. Join us Thursday at 11:30 am or 6:30 pm, or Friday at 9 am or 1 pm (Sept—May). Contact janettenhill@gmail.com for more info.


Benevolence Offering Next Sunday

The deacons will be collecting for those in need.

Thank you for joining us for worship at VGBC.
If you are visitor, we are delighted you chose to worship with us.  We have a gift for you, so please visit the Welcome Desk before or after the service. We would love to share with you how you can get connected.
We have online giving . Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service.  While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry! 
Scripture of the Week

For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 

Romans 1:20

Our Ministerial Staff
Bill Cox
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Administration Pastor
Jay Hill
Music Pastor
Jimmy Peck
Children’s Pastor
Brandon Anderson
Student Pastor

Bulletin August 11, 2024

Welcome to Worship
August 4, 2024
Worship Order
Joseph Day
Jay Hill
Preparation for Worship
Congregational Singing

Message in Song

“How Great Thou Art”
Kings Messengers
“Laodicea: The Church that Looked Like the World”
Mike Proud

News & Events

Mexico Fundraiser Lunch

Help support Mexico Missions! Join us for lunch TODAY following church. Donate what you would pay for a meal out.


Back to Choir BBQ

Love to sing? This is a great time to join the adult choir! Join us August 14 from 6:30 – 8 pm at the Kurkowski’s land. All current members & those interested are invited. Family members are also welcome to attend. Click to sign up or visit the info booth today!


Children’s Choirs

Choirs begin August 18, at 4:30 pm. Click to register!


Commit to Pray!

Pray for our pastor search: Pray24

AWANA Begins Aug. 21

Registration is open for kids & volunteers. We are in need of additional helpers each Wednesday night between 6:15 and 8:00 pm, to listen as kids recite their verses.


Wednesday Night Bible Study Begins Aug. 21

Join us at 6:30 pm with Dr. Gary Loudermilk as we study Old & New Testament personalities whose lives were going in one direction when God/Jesus intervened and placed them on a new path.


Ladies Fall Bible Study Begins Sept. 10

Join us each Tuesday, at 9:15 am, as we study “When You Pray” by Kelly Minter & others, and “Luke in the Land” by Kristi McLelland. Books are $25 and available the day of class.


Rummage Sale Donations

The Rummage Sale is Sept. 7! Donations will be accepted Sept. 6 only from 9 am-7 pm. Please no early drop-offs. Volunteers are needed to help Fri. & Sat.

Thank you for joining us for worship at VGBC.
If you are visitor, we are delighted you chose to worship with us.  We have a gift for you, so please visit the Welcome Desk before or after the service. We would love to share with you how you can get connected.
We have online giving . Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service.  While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry! 
Scripture of the Week

Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.


Hebrews 12:1b-2a

Our Ministerial Staff
Bill Cox
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Administration Pastor
Jay Hill
Music Pastor
Jimmy Peck
Children’s Pastor
Brandon Anderson
Student Pastor

Bulletin August 4, 2024

Welcome to Worship
August 4, 2024
Worship Order
Gina Wamble and Lori Gasper
Bill Cox
Preparation for Worship
Congregational Singing

Message in Song

“Heal Our Land”
Barbara Rumbold
“Philadelphia: The Church that Got it Right”
Mike Proud

News & Events

Mexico Mission Trip 2025

Looking to serve God on a short-term mission trip? Join us for an informational meeting, Sunday, August 4, at 12 pm in the Worship Center. Come learn about the next trip with Casas por Cristo!

Back to Choir BBQ

Do you love to sing? This is a great time to join the adult choir! We’re having a BBQ on August 14 from 6:30—8 pm at the Kurkowski’s land. All current members & those interested are invited! Family members are also welcome to attend. Click to sign up.

Men’s Bible Study

Join us each Thursday at 9 am in room 154 as we study God’s Word! Led by Bill Holbrook.


Men’s Ministry BBQ

You’re invited to join us for a time of food, fun, & fellowship on Sat., August 10, 10 am—3 pm at Homestead Ranch Park in Peyton. Sponsored by the Men’s Ministry; food provided! Visit the info booth today.

Senior Adult Chair Yoga

It’s time to sit, stretch, and strengthen on Sat., August 3, at 9:00 am, in the Youth Wing. Wear comfortable clothes & sneakers. Visit the info booth!

Mexico Fundraiser Lunch

Help support Mexico Missions! Join us for lunch on August 11 following church. Donate what you would pay for a meal out. Click to reserve a table and skip the line!


Children’s Choirs

Choirs begin August 18, at 4:30 pm. Click to register.


Part-time Job Opening

We are in need of a Facilities Custodian to work 16 hours per week, Friday—Monday at $14.42 per hour. Contact Todd Rhinehart for more info.


AWANA Registration & Volunteer Help

Registration is now open for the 2024-25 year (for kids & volunteers) by clicking here. We are in need of additional AWANA helpers, each Wednesday night between 6:15 and 8:00 pm, to listen while the kids recite their verses.


Discipleship Training—Fall Term, Aug. 18 – Dec. 8

Classes are each Sunday from 4:30 – 5:45 pm: Moms in Prayer, Everyday Evangelism, Marriage Ministry—Re|Engage, & Financial Peace University. Additional classes may be scheduled. Visit the info booth today for specifics and to sign up! Sign ups available through the first day of class.

Thank you for joining us for worship at VGBC.
If you are visitor, we are delighted you chose to worship with us.  We have a gift for you, so please visit the Welcome Desk before or after the service. We would love to share with you how you can get connected.
We have online giving . Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service.  While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry! 
Scripture of the Week

And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.”


Mark 9:23




Our Ministerial Staff
Bill Cox
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Administration Pastor
Jay Hill
Music Pastor
Jimmy Peck
Children’s Pastor
Brandon Anderson
Student Pastor

Bulletin July 28, 2024

Welcome to Worship
July 28, 2024
Worship Order
Jaque Peterson
Brandon Anderson
Preparation for Worship
Congregational Singing
“Sardis: The Church on Life Support”
Dr. Mike Proud

News & Events

Back to Choir BBQ

Do you love to sing? This is a great time to join the adult choir! We’re having a BBQ on August 14 from 6:30—8 pm at the Kurkowski’s land. All current members & those interested are invited! Family members are also welcome to attend. Click to sign up.


Men’s Ministry BBQ

You’re invited to join us for a time of food, fun, & fellowship on Sat., August 10, 10 am—3 pm at Homestead Ranch Park in Peyton. Sponsored by the Men’s Ministry; food provided! Visit the info booth today.

Senior Adult Chair Yoga

It’s time to sit, stretch, and strengthen on Sat., August 3, at 9:00 am, in the Youth Wing. Wear comfortable clothes & sneakers. Visit the info booth!

Mexico Mission Trip 2025

Looking to serve God on a short-term mission trip? Join us for an informational meeting, Sunday, August 4, at 12 pm in the Worship Center. Come learn about the next trip with Casas por Cristo!


Part-time Job Opening

We are in need of a Facilities Custodian to work 16 hours per week, Friday—Monday at $14.42 per hour. Contact Todd Rhinehart for more info.


A Reminder for Senior Adult Events

Please note that tickets are sold two weeks prior to an event. Tickets can not be purchased on the day of an event. If you know someone who needs financial assistance, please contact Teresa Miles.

Thank you for joining us for worship at VGBC.
If you are visitor, we are delighted you chose to worship with us.  We have a gift for you, so please visit the Welcome Desk before or after the service. We would love to share with you how you can get connected.
We have online giving . Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service.  While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry! 
Scripture of the Week

Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness.

 Psalm 96:9a



Our Ministerial Staff
Bill Cox
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Administration Pastor
Jay Hill
Music Pastor
Jimmy Peck
Children’s Pastor
Brandon Anderson
Student Pastor

Bulletin July 21, 2024

Welcome to Worship
July 14, 2024
Worship Order
Joseph Day
Jay Hill
Congregational Singing
Preparation for Worship
Pastor Search Committee
Congregational Singing
Message in Song
“My Tribute”
Joseph Cole
Brandon Anderson

News & Events

Senior Adult Chair Yoga

It’s time to sit, stretch and strengthen! Come out Sat.   August 3rd, at 9:00am in the Youth Wing. Sign up at the info booth!

Promotion Sunday

It’ll soon be time for children & youth to move on up! Promotion Sunday is August 11.


Men’s Ministry Activities
Visit the info booth today for more info on Summer Saturdays in July & August: Smokin’ Meat Treats, Let’s Take a Hike, Bowling Fun, Ball Game, & Golf Day!


VGBC Cookbook

We are now taking preorders for the VGBC Cookbook. The cost is $15. Visit the info booth today! Click to Buy online.


Job Opening

VGBC has an opening for a Facilities Assistant. It is 20 hours a week (Friday – Monday) at $14.42/hr.  Applications are available in the church office, or you can click here to apply. Questions? Please see Todd Rhinehart.


Preteen Bible Study

For kids who just completed 4th, 5th, or 6th grade. Come join us for summer Bible study each Wednesday night, now through July 24, from 6-8 pm. We are studying in the book of John. We’ll also play games and have praise & worship with the youth group.
Commit to Pray!
Be a part of Pray24 and pray for our pastor search. Click to pray.
Thank you for joining us for worship at VGBC.
If you are visitor, we are delighted you chose to worship with us.  We have a gift for you, so please visit the Welcome Desk before or after the service. We would love to share with you how you can get connected.
We have online giving . Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service.  While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry! 
Scripture of the Week

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is

the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Romans 1:16



Our Ministerial Staff
Bill Cox
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Administration Pastor
Jay Hill
Music Pastor
Jimmy Peck
Children’s Pastor
Brandon Anderson
Student Pastor

Bulletin July 7, 2024

Welcome to Worship
July 7, 2024
Worship Order
Gina Wamble and Lori Gasper
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Preparation for Worship
Missions Moment
Ireland Testimony
Congregational Singing
Message in Song
“I Then Shall Live”
Theresa Woodfill
“No Pain, No Gain”
Bill Lighty

News & Events


Men’s Ministry Activities
Visit the info booth today for more info on Summer Saturdays in July & August: Smokin’ Meat Treats, Let’s Take a Hike, Bowling Fun, Ball Game, & Golf Day!

Senior Adult Event
Join us for a Picnic Game Day
on Sat., July 20, from 11:30 am —1:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite game to play! Tickets: $4 each. Visit the info booth!
Costume Department Cleanup!
Young legs are needed the mornings of July 7 & 8, to help move costumes & props up and down the stairs as we inventory and clean up the costume storage area. Willing to help? Contact Jay Hill.

VGBC Cookbook

We are now taking preorders for the VGBC Cookbook. The cost is $15. Visit the info booth today! Click to Buy online.


Job Opening

VGBC has an opening for a Children/Youth Ministry Assistant. It is 30 hours per week at $15 per hour. Applications are available in the church office., or you can click here to apply. Questions? Please see Jimmy Peck or Brandon Anderson.


Preteen Bible Study

For kids who just completed 4th, 5th, or 6th grade. Come join us for summer Bible study each Wednesday night, now through July 24, from 6-8 pm. We are studying in the book of John. We’ll also play games and have praise & worship with the youth group.
Commit to Pray!
Be a part of Pray24 and pray for our pastor search. Click to pray.
Thank you for joining us for worship at VGBC.
If you are visitor, we are delighted you chose to worship with us.  We have a gift for you, so please visit the Welcome Desk before or after the service. We would love to share with you how you can get connected.
We have online giving . Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service.  While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry! 
Scripture of the Week

Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!

Psalm 32:11


Our Ministerial Staff
Bill Cox
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Administration Pastor
Jay Hill
Music Pastor
Jimmy Peck
Children’s Pastor
Brandon Anderson
Student Pastor

Bulletin June 30, 2024

Welcome to Worship
June 30, 2024
Worship Order
Jan Hoit & Lana Cai
Recognition of Armed Services Members
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Preparation for Worship
Congregational Singing
Message in Song
“Always Only Jesus”
Scott Root
“When Our Faith is Most Vulnerable”
Mike Grebenik

News & Events




VGBC Cookbook

We are now taking preorders for the VGBC Cookbook. The cost is $15. Visit the info booth today! Click to order/pay online.


Job Opening

VGBC has an opening for a Children/Youth Ministry Assistant. It is 30 hours per week at $15 per hour. Applications are available in the church office., or you can click here to apply. Questions? Please see Jimmy Peck or Brandon Anderson.


Preteen Bible Study

For kids who just completed 4th, 5th, or 6th grade. Come join us for summer Bible study each Wednesday night, now through July 24, from 6-8 pm. We are studying in the book of John. We’ll also play games and have praise & worship with the youth group.
Commit to Pray!
Be a part of Pray24 and pray for our pastor search. Click to pray.
Thank you for joining us for worship at VGBC.
If you are visitor, we are delighted you chose to worship with us.  We have a gift for you, so please visit the Welcome Desk before or after the service. We would love to share with you how you can get connected.
We have online giving . Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service.  While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry! 
Scripture of the Week

“Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”


Mark 4:41b


Our Ministerial Staff
Bill Cox
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Administration Pastor
Jay Hill
Music Pastor
Jimmy Peck
Children’s Pastor
Brandon Anderson
Student Pastor

Bulletin June 23, 2024

Welcome to Worship
June 23, 2024
Worship Order
Joseph Day
Mikeal Miles
Preparation for Worship
Congregational Singing
Message in Song
“Even If”
Jonathan Noggle
“The Fear of Failure”
Mike Grebenik

News & Events


Preteen Bible Study

For kids who just completed 4th, 5th, or 6th grade. Come join us for summer Bible study each Wednesday night, June 26-July 24, from 6-8 pm. We’ll be studying in the book of John. There will also be games, and praise & worship with the youth group.



Annual Church Picnic

Join us for an evening of fellowship and fun on Sunday, July 7. We’ll be at the USAFA Family Campground from 4:00-8:30 pm. Bring a side dish to share! Please click to RSVP.

Men’s Ministry Fellowship
Join us Tuesday, June 25, at 6 pm in the Youth Wing. Don’t miss this time of fellowship, encouragement, food, and getting to know one another.
Commit to Pray!
Be a part of Pray24 and pray for our pastor search. Click to pray.
Thank you for joining us for worship at VGBC.
If you are visitor, we are delighted you chose to worship with us.  We have a gift for you, so please visit the Welcome Desk before or after the service. We would love to share with you how you can get connected.
We have online giving . Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service.  While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry! 
Scripture of the Week

In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:12b-13


Our Ministerial Staff
Bill Cox
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Administration Pastor
Jay Hill
Music Pastor
Jimmy Peck
Children’s Pastor
Brandon Anderson
Student Pastor