Senior Adult Christmas Party
Let it snow! Join us for lunch on Saturday, December 21, from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm in the Youth Wing. Tickets are $10/person. Visit the info booth today!
Please Note for December 29
There will be no Children’s or Youth Sunday school classes during the 9:00 & 10:30 hours. We are giving our wonderful teachers a well-deserved Sunday off! Nursery & childcare will be available for up to age 3 during both hours. Adult classes are given the option of meeting or taking off.
Emails from VGBC
Subscribe to receive email communication from VGBC! Sign up at or call the church office. If you did not receive last week’s email from Bill Cox, our Transition Director, please let the church office know so they can send it to you.
Perspectives Class at VGBC
Beginning January 16, this 15-lesson discipleship course will be held each Thursday from 6-9 pm. Explore aspects of God’s global purpose from four perspectives: Biblical, Historical, Cultural, & Strategic. Sign up at Contact Joseph Day for additional info & scholarships.
Christmas Love Offering for Our Pastors
As you celebrate the season, the deacons encourage you to give to our pastors who serve us so faithfully. Please prayerfully consider giving a tangible gift. Pink Designated Offering envelopes are available in the brochure rack. Place gifts in the offering plate, drop off in the office, or send to the church via your bank’s bill pay option by Thurs., Dec. 19. Make checks payable to VGBC. You can also give online. Gifts will be presented during Dec. 22 services.
We have online giving Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service. While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry!
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
Music Pastor
Administration Pastor
Children's Pastor
Student Pastor